Councils & Committees
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OTA committees and councils address specific needs within the industry and represent OTA in various settings. Representatives interact with other members, formulate outreach and actively advise the OTA executive committee and staff.
OTA Committees
Purpose & Authority
The Government Affairs Committee is responsible for reviewing legislative and regulatory actions at the state and local level that have the potential to impact Oregon's trucking industry. Members provide the Board of Directors with recommendations on proposed actions during legislative sessions and beyond.
Committee Chair: John Barnes (TEC Equipment)
Purpose & Authority
The Highway Policy Committee is responsible for reviewing Oregon’s over-dimensional practices, routes, and fees as they relate to hauling High, Wide, and Heavy loads across the state, and providing the Board of Directors with recommendations on changes in practices for these types of loads.
Committee Chair: Erik Zander (Omega Morgan)
Purpose & Authority:
The Image Committee acts as the stewards of the Oregon trucking industry’s image on behalf of OTA. Committee members communicate to the Association on issues that affect image and assist in developing programs the influence both internal (carriers & drivers) and external (general public, agency employees, elected officials, media). Goals include increasing public awareness on the essentiality of the trucking industry, favorably influence regulations and legislation and show trucking as a viable career path with diverse offerings.
Committee Chair: Michael Card (Combined Transport)
Purpose & Authority:
The Membership Committee prioritizes issues related to the recruitment of new members and engagement of existing members. It provides the Board of Directors with proposals on way to work together to execute membership-related projects. They help determine messaging and outreach and are tasked, when needed, to engage other members on various initiatives.
Committee Chair: Nick Card (Combined Transport)
Purpose & Authority:
Members of the TruckPAC Committee assist with both determining methods to gather contributions for the Oregon TruckPAC fund and identifying campaigns, initiatives, candidates and other areas where it is possible for OTA to influence the outcome of legislation, regulations and rules. Contributions to the TruckPAC ensure that the issues important to trucking companies operating in Oregon are actively represented in the state and beyond.
Committee Chair: Erik Zander (Omega Morgan)
Purpose & Authority:
The OTA in Action committee guides the grassroots programs with the goal to inspire members to be active participants in the fight to educate and influence the outcome of new regulatory policies and other efforts that impact how trucking operates in Oregon. With the increased number of forums where policies are developed, OTA in Action committee members also represent OTA by sitting on committees and advisory boards. They further engage with members who wish to become part of OTA’s Key Contact Program which creates ambassadors to build relationships with legislators and other decision-makers.
Committee Chair: Mark Gibson (Siskiyou Transportation)
Purpose & Authority:
The Workforce Committee is responsible for promoting and prioritizing issues that improve retention of existing CDL-Drivers/Diesel Technicians while attracting and recruiting new personnel resources to the CDL & Diesel Technician vocations from underemployed, unemployed, and youth demographic groups. Committee members will foster partnerships within the Workforce Development Board & Worksource Oregon organizations to achieve committee goals. The committee will provide the Board of Directors with proposals and work together to execute membership-related projects.
Committee Chair: Billy Dover (Tyree)
Purpose & Authority:
The Allied Committee gathers the thoughts and insights from the broad range of suppliers, service providers and others who create, produce and present products and services that support our members. This committee looks for methods to expand outreach to members, find areas to assist and inform and identify opportunities to promote the association.
Committee Chair: Trevin Fountain (Cummins)
OTA Councils
The Safety Management Council (SMC) is the only national organization dedicated to advancing safe policies, practices and technology; and effective risk management and accident/injury prevention in the trucking industry. SMC also addresses trucking’s unique human resource challenges, health and wellness issues, as well as recruitment and retention strategies.
SMC plays an important role in furthering OTA's commitment to the safety and well-being of its members. Council members assist in the production of the Spring Safety Conference and the Truck Driving Championships, as well as organize educational webinars and meeting on relevant safety-oriented topics.
Council Representative: Jennifer King (WHA Insurance)
The purpose of the Technology & Maintenance Council is to improve transport equipment, its maintenance and maintenance management. The Council develops Recommended Engineering and Maintenance Practices that are voluntarily adopted by fleets, OEMs and component suppliers. The Council also conducts industry surveys and promotes the voluntary cooperation among designers and manufacturers of transport equipment and those who specify, purchase, and manage such equipment.
A vital part of OTA, the Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) presents informative workshops, roundtables and other events, both online and in-person around the state. Other annual TMC highlights include the SuperTech Skills Competition and Maintenance & Education Fair.
Council Representative: Nicole Hawks-Morse (Kool PAK)

Ready to learn more?
OTA members who are interested in getting involved in any of OTA's committees or councils, contact us at or 503.513.0005. We can answer your questions and connect you with members currently serving.